Hydra Robotics


Our team is broken down into five different departments, each in charge of a different aspect of the team.


Our computer aided design (CAD) department uses OnShape to design the robot's mechanical systems. They learn FRC design principles, physics, and the basics of mechanics.


Our fabrication department works to bring the designs from CAD to real life. Members are trained to work in a modern machine shop with a number of machines.


Our electrical department wires the entire robot which connects hardware to software and supplies power to the robot. Members learn the essentials of electrical engineering.


Our programming department uses Java to program the robot. Members are taught the basics of programming and learn a wide variety of topics covering control theory, mathematics, and physics.


Our public relations & business (PR&B) department is involved in managing the team behind the scenes. Throughout the year the department will budget, organize fundraisers, manage social media, and network, building a number of business related skills.