Hydra Robotics

Support Us!

We rely on generous grants, donations, sponsorships and fundraisers from individuals and local businesses in order to build our robot and compete each year. If you are interested in donating, becoming a sponsor, or hosting a fundraising event, we welcome you to reach out.

Individual Donations

If you or another individual would like to support us you can send us funds on Venmo @Hydra-Robotics-Team2288 or scan the QR code below.


In addition to individual donations, we also have the option for businesses to sponsor us. If you chose to sponsor us we would advertise your brand according to the amount you give us. If you are interested in sponsoring us, please send us an email to hydrarobotics2288@gmail.com

  • Silver

  • Small size organization name on banner in the stands
  • Small size organization name on competition t-shirts
  • Gold

  • Medium size organization name on banner in the stands
  • Medium size organization name on banners in the pit area
  • Medium size organization name on competition t-shirts
  • Diamond

  • Medium size organization name on banner in the stands
  • Medium size organization name on banners in the pit area
  • Medium size organization name on competition t-shirts
  • Organization name on the Robot
  • Platinum

  • Large size organization name on banner in the stands
  • Large size organization name on banners in the pit area
  • Large size organization name on competition t-shirts
  • Organization name on the Robot
  • Organization name will be announced during each competition to all attendees as a primary sponsor of the team